Host A Screening
Get Inspired to Live Your Truth & Support More Women Doing That through Leadership and Career Advancement.
Our community screenings campaign will bring the film to hundreds of grassroots organizations, college campuses, vocational schools, businesses ranging in all sizes, state capitols and advocates across the country.
As we engage with corporate cultures and legislators advocating for paid parental leave, affordable childcare options, equal pay for equal work and mentorship programs to increase women in leadership — we need you to keep the conversation going and spread the message.
There are many ways to do that from more intimate living room potluck screenings and then sharing on social media, to large venues with various organizations.
From independent filmmaker to award winning journalist, activist to CEO, Joanna James has moderated panels, delivered keynotes, invited by media as an expert on women leadership & engaged with audiences and leaders of Fortune 500 Companies, universities, forums and trade associations on the most pressing issues facing women, closing the gender gap and the power we all have to create a more level and equal playing field to shine our light. For any speaking and screening inquiries please respond below